lunedì 11 novembre 2019

The Awakening Handbook

Se doveste avere degli amici che potrebbero essere interessati al "Manuale del Risveglio" ma che non parlano italiano, è disponibile in questo video un'anteprima in lingua inglese del libro.

"The Awakening Handbook"

(original title: "Manuale del Risveglio")

A great Consciousness has made possible the creation of this small but wonderful book.

The author through brief thoughts, and in a not prolix manner, proposes a different way of looking at ourselves and the world around us, takes us on a inner journey act to make us remember who we are, get in touch with ourselves , find ourselves, awaken ourselves... go back home.


You can buy the eBook "The Awakening Handbook" on Amazon clicking the following link:

KindleUnlimited subscribers read for free.


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